this walker needs a sweet transformation

In 2012, Ellen DeGeneres decided to start a sugar cleanse. Here is the entertaining and motivational four and a half minute clip from that show…No more sugar for Ellen.

Thanks to Ellen, I am motivated to start a series of blog posts focused on that very topic. My sugar consumption is at an all time high. Let’s face it…I’m looking at recipes and pictures of over the top, sweet desserts in my free time! (If I know me, the next step is… I actually make one of these gooey, tempting recipes, and then be forced to eat it myself, because my guests refuse to take it home!)

Considering the holidays that lie ahead – Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, I realize… I’m in trouble. If I am out of control now, before these sweet dominant days, I am setting myself up for a host of New Year’s resolutions related to weight gain, depression, and low energy. Reality is setting in…I cannot manage this with walking and exercise alone, there are too many empty calories competing with my otherwise healthy behaviors.

I need to clean up my diet, for my health, before and during the Holiday months.

(Hmmm. Sounds like an affirmation.)

I intend to use these blog posts to help me with my sugar intervention. You are invited to come along for the ride or skip ahead or behind, to other stuff. In other words…take what you need and leave the rest.

I am not going to do this as a “Day 1 without sugar” type of series. In fact I’m not really sure “how” this is going to work, all I know is it will evolve on a post by post basis. I am looking forward to  the energy and health benefits I will gain by cleaning out the excess sugar in my diet.

At best, I hope to include information and resources for anyone out there thinking of working on this with me. Henceforth, this will be my new mantra…

It's not about perfect, it's about effort!

Here’s to some sweet transformation!

Let's talk about that walk...