tout est bien qui finit bien

summer's end

This was my grandmother’s favorite French phrase.  “All’s well that ends well.”

As I walk along the lake in the middle of this September day, I feel the energy of the next season knocking on the door. Fall is barging in, bumping our summer somewhere else.

Is it over already?

The frenzy of footprints in the sand reminds me of one last, great day at the beach. Not a care in the world, stretch into the warmth, dream and play – I want these spirits with me as I walk into Fall.

The empty chair warns… the lifeguard has gone – we are on our own watch until summer rolls around again.

It was a good summer, packed with family visits, field trips into the city, tennis and walks with friends, a road trip, and plenty of days sitting barefoot in the sun with a good book.

Summer is always too short, but the memories, ahh, the memories, they can keep us warm and well until summer rolls around again.

What are your favorite memories from this summer?

4 thoughts on “tout est bien qui finit bien

  1. My favourite summer memory is taking my 9 month old daughter to the beach off the very first time 🙂 She wasn’t exactly thrilled by the rushing waves but it was a memorable trip.


Let's talk about that walk...